Many thanks to Kreneshia Whiteside, AVA Chief Curator, for our April 10, 2020 interview! The Association for Visual Arts, Chattanooga, TN
Two decades of painting and sculpting have aimed at fusing color and shaping elegance.
To sync touch and flow,
I paint with my hands.
When stone carving, I use hammers, chisels, and rasps.
Works emerge as expressions of transformation and holism.
Today, I see an opportunity for artists to experiment with a new form of patronage, “neoportraiture.”
During the pandemic,
how might we span distance, deepen the patron-artist dialogue,
make the implicit explicit?
In public, Alabastro Di Volterra (Italian Ice) sculptures are for sale at Locals.
A painting is on display at The Sewanee Inn.
During April, I’ll finish calcite maquettes and an Alabastro Bardiglio piece.